Eileen Smith
Program Director,
Applied Research
Director, E2i
Creative Studio
Partnership 2: 315
Partnership 3: 127
Eileen Smith is a Program Director at IST, and Director of the E2i Creative Studio. She is passionate about improving human confidence and competence through appropriate technology-mediated toys and tools. Projects at E2i target diverse elements of this journey, such as researching and assessing appropriate use of the spectrum of technology for learning, using technology to transcend the learning environment, and applying emerging technologies to learning for differing learners. Eileen brings 28 years’ expertise in designing and producing learning projects that apply emerging technologies in order to research their effectiveness as tools for diverse uses/audiences. She is accustomed to weaving diverse partnerships (e.g., researchers, actors, engineers, educators) so that projects reflect a broad range of perspectives. She is passionate about helping the next generation of creative designers to explore their dreams, as an educator, as an internship placement for skilled emerging professionals, and as the Director of E2i, where she supports team members constantly learning new tools and techniques. In her spare time, Eileen enjoys continuing to develop a deeper understanding of the true balance between nutrition and health, slowly renovating her home with her husband, and working out at a small private gym in Orlando with an incredibly crazy bunch of friends.
Research Interests:
Applications of immersive technologies
Design-centric Approach
Distributed Shared Spaces for Learning Collaboration
Emotionally Compelling Experiences
Areas of Expertise:
Augmented Reality (AR)
Rapid Prototyping
Simulation and Training
Virtual Reality (VR)
Application Areas:
First Response
Microelectronics and Semiconductor Fabrication