Earn Your M.S. Degree in Modeling and Simulation
Earn Your M.S. Degree in Modeling
and Simulation
The master’s program has both a thesis and non-thesis option and requires a minimum of 30 credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree. Both options require 9 credit hours of required core courses. Students in the thesis option must take 15 credit hours of electives and 6 thesis credit hours, while students in the non-thesis option must take 21 credit hours of electives. The elective courses are contingent with the focus area(s) chosen.
Application Deadlines
Fall Priority Deadline: Applicants who plan to enroll full time in a degree program and who wish to be considered for university fellowships or assistantships should apply by January 15 (or earlier if your program has a deadline prior to January 15).
Spring: December 1
Fall: July 1
Spring: July 1
Fall: January 15
Need More Information?
Master’s Degree Courses and Milestones
Required Courses | 9 Credit Hours
Thesis Courses | 6 Credit Hours
Students pursuing the thesis option need to enroll in 6 credit hour thesis and work with an advisor and a thesis committee.